Professional interests include racial disparity in police traffic stops, 社会认同理论, 统计数据, 和其他人.
Director, MSCJ Program | Professor
Contact Christopher 巴纳姆 for information on 刑事司法
- PhD, MA, BA, University of Iowa, Sociology
Areas of Professional Interest
- Racial Disparity in Police Traffic Stops and Use of Force
- 逮捕和监禁
- Social Psychological Processes of Stereotyping
- 小组流程
- 权力、正义与越轨
- 社会认同理论
- Theory Construction in 刑事司法 and 犯罪学
- 统计数据
- Quantitative Research Methods
- 克里斯托弗·C·巴纳姆 and Robert Perfetti (under review): "Public Perceptions of Crime and Racially Biased Policing.“犯罪学
- 克里斯托弗·C·巴纳姆., Sandra A Quinn and Nicholas Manrique (2012): "Racial Disparity in Iowa Prisons: A Preliminary Examination.《galaxy银河娱乐场app》. 卷. 2, No. 2. 71-92.
- 克里斯托弗·C·巴纳姆., 沃尔特Kurth, Robert Perfetti and Nick Richardson (under review): "Categorization and Implicit Cognitive Bias in Police Traffic Stops.《犯罪与违法行为
- 克里斯托弗·C·巴纳姆 and Robert Perfetti (2010). "Race Sensitive Choices by Police Officers in Traffic Encounters: Three Conceptual Models." Police Quarterly 13: 180 - 208.
- 克里斯托弗·C·巴纳姆. (2011), "Efficiency in Continually Operating Public Organizations: A Case Study. Public Personnel Management. 40: 279 - 292.
- 克里斯托弗·C·巴纳姆. Nick Richardson and Robert Perfetti. (in press), "The Relationship Between Underage alcohol Possession and Future Criminal Behavior.“Sage Open”.
- Richardson, Nick and Chris 巴纳姆. (2010), "The Effect of Communicative Impediments on Interpersonal Attachment and Deviance." Current Issues in 社会心理学 卷. 15: 12.
- 克里斯托弗·C·巴纳姆 and Barry Markovsky, 2007. "Group Membership and Social Influence." Current Issues in 社会心理学. 卷. 13:3.
- Kalkhoff, Will and Christopher 巴纳姆, 2000. "The Effects of Status and Social Identity in Task Groups." 社会心理学 Quarterly. 63: 95 - 115.McLeer, Jennifer, Jake Frederick, Barry Markovsky and Chris
- 巴纳姆2011. "Open Interaction Coding" In Ed Lawler and Shane Thye (eds.) Advances in Group Processes. 康涅狄格州格林威治. 洁的新闻.
- 克里斯托弗·巴纳姆,2006. "The Effects of Status and Group Membership Modeled in a Graph-Theoretic Setting." In Ed Lawler and Shane Thye (eds.) Advances in Group Processes 康涅狄格州格林威治. 洁的新闻.
- 克里斯托弗·巴纳姆,1997. "A Reformulated 社会认同理论." In Barry Markovsky, Michael Lovaglia and Lisa Troyer (eds.) Advances in Group Processes. 康涅狄格州格林威治. 洁的新闻.